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Calculate Scheduled Damages

Objective: Assist management in the calculation of actual or liquidated damages on contracts that contain a damage clause for contractor's failure to complete the project on time.

Determine Allocation of Savings

Objective: Verify the contractor's calculation of savings, accuracy of savings allocation, and that the final dollar settlement with the Owner is correct.

Final Audit

Objective: Determine, as of the final billing, that costs billed to Owner are reimbursable according to the terms of the contract and the guaranteed maximum contract price is not overstated. Final audits generally include a review of the following:

• The estimate, including all value engineering

• Owner change orders

• Allowance reconciliations

• Payroll and payroll burdens

• Equipment rentals

• Insurance, including general liability, umbrella and workers compensation

• Subcontracts, including all subcontractor change orders and pay applications

• All other costs considered reimbursable by the Contractor


Pre-Construction Audits | Audits During Construction | Post-Construction Audits